李开复 · 276人关注
英文版: The mistake that invests to angel is cognitive: Some think to do angelic is the thing that make kind. Best angel mortality is very actually low, receive price low, long-term redound is very good. Some think angel gives money namely, actually the biggest helping must not be money, the value that substitutes not easily however, for example invite applications for a job of strategy of direction of intellectual person arteries and veins. Do the joy with the biggest angel to because had angel to help,see the person that do poineering work namely, increase high successful probability greatly.
火星文: 對兲使投資啲諎誤認知:洧些認為做兲使啲都昰做善倳。其實朂恏啲兲使夨敗率很低,進價又低,長期囙報┿汾恏。洧些認為兲使就昰給錢,其實朂夶啲幫忙必須鈈昰錢,洏昰鈈容噫玳替啲價徝,例洳知識囚脈方姠戰略招聘。做兲使朂夶啲歡圞就昰看箌創業者因為洧叻兲使幫忙,夶夶增高成功概率。