陈丹青 · 915人关注
英文版: I ambulate everywhere, admire look, wear away hundreds years swabbed stone column and porcelain face are shining fruity crepuscular, extremely beautiful, extremely beautiful, but not scared, do not shake, be not attracted, not give a little attention to one by one this is me alleged severity, severe meaning, enter highness to not allow namely you are cranky, only procumbent worship on bended knees.
火星文: 莪四處赱動,仰看,數百姩磨損擦洗啲石柱與瓷面閃著圓潤啲微咣,媄極叻,媄極叻,但昰鈈恐懼,鈈震撼,鈈被吸引,鈈汾神┅┅這就昰莪所謂嚴厲,嚴厲啲意思,就昰進箌殿丅鈈容伱胡思亂想,唯匍匐跪拜。