鲁豫 · 383人关注
英文版: One individual love does not love you, not be the time accident that views you to be together, however he is willing your acceptance. What don't I know to make persuade to stay, I know only, the person that loves me won't leave me, because he knows, I will be sad. You cannot wake the person that an outfit sleeps, also cannot touch a person that does not love you.
火星文: ┅個囚愛鈈愛伱,鈈昰看伱們茬┅起啲塒間長短,洏昰彵願意給伱┅個承諾。莪鈈懂什仫叫挽留,莪呮知噵,愛莪啲囚鈈茴離開莪,因為彵知噵,莪茴難過。伱無法叫醒┅個裝睡啲囚,吔無法感動┅個鈈愛伱啲囚。