梭罗 · 754人关注
英文版: The person's place needs, not be to should do some of thing, want to be somewhat however, or it is to say, needing is somewhat. Perhaps we are need not acquire forever of new clothes, no matter how was old clothes already defeated our and dirty, unless we had lived so, or managed, perhaps say, what already sided with and sailed, in us there already was new lease of life in this old the body, be like in those days still is one's cricumstances or characters remain unchanged, the feeling that has an use old bottles for new wine. The season of our moulting wool, resemble fowl, it is life necessarily in a big turning point. Loon fall back on is depilated by the side of quiet pond. The circumstances of snake slough skin also is such, same is a chrysalis of aurelian bug.
火星文: 囚の所需,並鈈昰偠做些倳,洏昰偠洧所為,戓昰詤,需洧所昰。吔許莪們昰詠遠鈈必添置噺衤垺啲,鈈論舊衤垺巳洳何破敝囷肮贓,除非莪們巳經這般地苼活叻,戓經營叻,戓者詤,巳姠著什仫洏航荇叻,茬莪們這古咾啲軀殼裏巳洧著噺啲苼機叻,那塒若還昰依然故莪,便洧舊瓶裝噺酒の感叻。莪們啲換羽毛啲季節,就像飝禽啲,必然昰苼命のф┅個夶啲轉折點。潛蔦退箌僻靜啲池塘邊去脫毛。蛇蛻皮啲情形吔昰洳此,哃樣啲昰蛹蟲啲絀繭。
白俄罗斯语, 白兰地, 白兰地是属于什么酒, 白兰地和威士忌的区别, 白兰地怎么喝, 白领丽人, 白帽子, 白色垃圾, 。