曾国藩 · 375人关注
英文版: The world has blame Wang Zhifu, the disaster that Yi Youfei looks at. The Xiang Yifu that as person of low position not to tell misfortune good fortune also, think by good luck taste. The thing with frustrated hereat, constant is born at its earning meaning, but to its see advantage and disappear kill, know to put and do not know to die also.
火星文: 兲丅洧非望の鍢,亦洧非望の禍。曉囚鈈知禍鍢の相倚伏吔,則僥圉鉯為嘗。昰故夨意の倳,恒苼於其所嘚意,惟其見利洏鈈見害,知存洏鈈知亡吔。
霸权主义, 白俄罗斯语, 白兰地, 白兰地是属于什么酒, 白兰地和威士忌的区别, 白兰地怎么喝, 白领丽人, 白帽子, 。