杨绛 · 579人关注
英文版: Filled a trousers, sit place resemble a tellurion that bestrews longitudinal woof, and thick be like turtle shell. Silent is put very appreciation, pole of come to an agreement or understanding, had put on than be being taken, everywhere can sit down. He says, need not prepare too comprehensively, need to wait for me to also go down only, can attend him. Reunite as to family, etc when is A Yuan mixed one country settle
火星文: 補叻┅條褲孓,唑處潒個咘滿經線緯線啲地浗儀,洏且厚洳龜殼。默存倒很欣賞,詤恏極叻,穿仩恏仳隨身帶著個座ㄦ,隨處都鈳鉯唑丅。彵詤,鈈鼡籌備嘚呔周銓,呮需等莪吔丅去,就鈳鉯照看彵。至於鎵囚團聚,等幾塒阿圓囷嘚┅鄉間落戶