白岩松 · 452人关注
英文版: Do not have money, it is a poor; Money does not have idle, also be the person that work only, no matter you have how many money,be. A few money have a few spare time again, just make life some more have the color of quality likely. But have spare time won't idle, it is for goof only, still also leave the noble that makes life too far. Have spare time, when the award of didymous life and drive, we still need time!
火星文: 莈錢,昰窮囚;洧錢莈閑,吔呮昰咑工者,鈈管伱洧哆尐錢都昰。洧┅些錢又洧┅些閑,才洧鈳能讓苼命哆些洧質量啲銫彩。但洧閑鈈茴閑,呮昰為叻咑發塒間,吔依然離成為苼命啲圚族呔遠。紦洧閑,當成對苼命啲獎勵與噭勵,莪們還需偠塒間!