蔡元培 · 852人关注
英文版: Become me young when, fail to be do one's duty of oneself, humanness, and have teach me, the person that raise me, this is raised, the right that is taught, the right that is me to advance also. The other day person, I teach the person, duty that raises a person, already I answer the obligation of countervail also. To senile and faint do one's duty, and might as well enjoy inherent right, raise the person that accumulate with middleaged place namely just. The person with middleaged reason, to answer absolutely the person of do one's duty, its do one's duty, half with countervail childhood advance, enjoy senily in order to offer partly.
火星文: 當莪の呦塒,未能為己、為囚盡図務,洏洧教莪、養莪者,此被養、被教の權利,乃莪預支の權利吔。彵ㄖ者,莪任教囚、養囚の責任,既莪應償の図務吔。至咾姩無仂盡図務,洏鈈妨享固洧の權利,即支鼡ф姩所積蓄者洏巳。故ф姩の囚,為絕對啲應盡図務の囚,其盡図務,半鉯償呦姩の預支,半鉯供咾姩の享鼡。