彼得德鲁克 · 385人关注
英文版: The enterprise can exist, it is to want to offer satisfactory commodity kimono Wu to the client, is not to offer working opportunity to employee and controller, also not be to give partner to earn the interest is mixed even extend dividend.
火星文: 企業の所鉯茴存茬,就昰為叻偠姠顧愙提供滿意啲商品囷垺務,洏鈈昰為叻給員工囷管悝者提供工作機茴,甚至吔鈈昰為叻給股東賺取利益囷發放股息。
霸权主义, 白俄罗斯语, 白兰地, 白兰地是属于什么酒, 白兰地和威士忌的区别, 白兰地怎么喝, 白领丽人, 白帽子, 。