林语堂 · 554人关注
英文版: The awl of shoemaker of pen no less than, use keener more, to later unexpectedly can if the needle seams the needle of the garment. But the limits of his idea needs encyclopedical with each passing day, like the mountain-climbing view view of a person, climb higher, the person that be seen is further.
火星文: 作鎵啲筆㊣洳鞋匠啲錐,越鼡越銳利,箌後唻竟鈳鉯尖洳縫衤の針。但彵啲觀念啲范圍則必ㄖ漸廣博,猶洳┅個囚啲登屾觀景,爬嘚越高,所望見者越遠。