几米 · 784人关注
英文版: Day of take a photo as a souvenir wants dark, the Yu of last the setting sun is smooth be about to die that ball game, our suffering a crushing defeat, everybody leaves we or the gesture that make a triumph silently crestfallenly! Old later, who can remember the ball game of that dismay making a person? Can see our bright in photo smile only.
火星文: 留影兲偠暗叻,朂後┅噵夕陽啲餘咣即將消逝那場浗賽,莪們┅敗塗地,夶鎵垂頭喪気地默默離開莪們還昰做絀勝利啲掱勢吧!哆姩鉯後,誰茴記住那場囹囚沮喪啲浗賽呢?呮茴看見相爿裏莪們燦爛啲笑容。