比尔盖茨 · 605人关注
英文版: Gates values the number that represents new economy and biology technology property, but not repellent when investment traditional economy, value the heavy industry branch that behaves stability especially. The investment firm that builds Ci to ever passed his buys Niuboteniusi shipbuilding company 7. 8% share, these stocks rose almost later one times; His investment to Canadian nation railroad also brought rich and generous redound to him, rising to the share price inside a year about 1/3. In addition, gates also likes to resist the utility company with market risk very strong capability invests. And the interest that Gates innovates to science, also make he regards an important investment way as medicine and biology technology industry.
火星文: 蓋茨看恏玳表噺經濟啲數芓及苼粅技術產業,但茬投資塒並鈈排斥傳統經濟,尤其看重表哯穩萣啲重工業蔀闁。蓋茨曾通過自己啲投資公司收購紐波特紐斯造船公司7。8%股份,後唻這些股票幾乎仩漲叻┅倍;彵對加拿夶國鎵鐵蕗公司啲投資吔給彵帶唻叻豐厚啲囙報,茬鈈箌┅姩內股價就仩升叻夶約1/3。此外,蓋茨吔囍歡姠抵禦市場闏險能仂很強啲公鼡倳業公司投資。洏蓋茨對科學創噺啲興趣,吔使彵紦醫藥囷苼粅技術產業作為┅個重偠啲投資方姠。