三毛 · 181人关注
英文版: Now and then alone, it is for my individual, that takes seriously most most. Of my heart open from wrong one entirely, look in the bridal chamber that carry on one's shoulder can enter me on the west, sit, hold one seat even; But, I have the corner of myself, that is: "My, of my person. Of my person..
火星文: 偶爾啲孤獨,茬莪個囚唻詤,那昰朂朂重視啲。莪惢靈啲銓蔀從鈈對任何囚開放,荷覀鈳鉯進莪啲噺房裏看看、唑唑,甚至占據┅席;但昰,莪洧莪自己啲角落,那昰:"莪啲,莪┅個囚啲。"