蔡康永 · 121人关注
英文版: If envy the riches and honour of the person that succeed, do not imitate the thing after their riches and honour blindly please, those famous brand watches ah bag ah wine ah car, it is the thing after their riches and honour, maintaining forcedly imitated, also can pursue only an end is happy just. Want to imitate, imitate the thing before their riches and honour, they like those eagles probe, like the snake dedicated, formic the search draw together like, aurelian the patience like, it is some of wind completely blow insolation, the thing of face of grey head earth.
火星文: 洳果羨慕成功者啲富圚,請別┅菋模仿彵們富圚後啲倳,那些名牌表吖包吖酒吖車吖,都昰彵們富圚後啲倳,硬撐著模仿叻,吔呮能圖個窮開惢洏巳。偠模仿,就模仿彵們富圚前啲倳,彵們那些鷹般啲探查,蛇般啲專紸,蟻般啲搜括,蛹般啲耐惢,銓昰些闏吹ㄖ曬,噅頭汢臉啲倳啊。