沈从文 · 963人关注
英文版: Place of city of the Li 20 years ago the Ma Fu of an army, surname He Minglong, one kitchen knife cut the head of a soldier, have to alarm after 20 years 3 provinces center 100 thousand army to solve this Ma Fu. Whose individual can notice this is small small program, whose individual imagination gets what human history uses to be written!
火星文: ②┿姩前澧州地方┅個蔀隊啲驫夫,姓賀名龖,┅菜刀切丅叻┅個兵壵啲頭顱,②┿姩後就嘚驚動三渻集ф┿萬軍隊唻解決這個驫夫。誰個囚茴紸意這曉曉節目,誰個囚想潒嘚箌囚類曆史使鼡什仫寫成啲!