崔永元 · 831人关注
英文版: Casual person growl, the earth also should tremble 3 tremble. Casual person capability is strong, dare make backbone for China. Casual person courage is great, most dangerous places is not afraid of. Casual person awareness is tall, shoulder of what duty either is carried. Casual person can be performed, had played the part of police and city canal. Casual person is a brick, need where to be moved.
火星文: 臨塒工囚┅聲吼,地浗吔偠抖三抖。臨塒工囚夲領強,敢為ф囮造脊梁。臨塒工囚膽孓夶,刀屾吙海都鈈怕。臨塒工囚覺悟高,洧啥責任┅肩挑。臨塒工囚茴表演,扮過警察囷城管。臨塒工囚昰塊磚,哪裏需偠哪裏搬。
<< 上一篇我,是个空壳啊。真的空壳一个,彻头彻尾空无一物。