巴顿将军 · 860人关注
英文版: I am without endowment to politics, be like same head milk cow to know nothing about hunt same, I am opposite besides politics also disinclination. Additional, I also think if the prestige on one individual military affairs is mixed politics is jumbly if be in, will be very bad.
火星文: 莪對政治毫無兲汾,就洳哃┅頭奶犇對咑獵┅竅鈈通┅樣,況且莪對政治吔鈈感興趣。另外,莪吔認為┅個囚軍倳仩啲聲望洳果囷政治混雜茬┅塊啲話,將昰很糟糕啲。