沧月 · 679人关注
英文版: A day that when marriage places, he still is in for this depressed unceasingly, see that little girl rushed, silent as the grave start work dozen of person. Because of the heart in also nest fire, strike back of his a bit impolite ground, easy to do clinch the hand of sounds of nature, also be hate: What do you call? I just want to cry!
火星文: 婚倳萣丅啲那┅ㄖ,彵尚茬為此鬱悶鈈巳,就見那個曉丫頭沖叻過唻,┅訁鈈發就動掱咑囚。因為惢裏吔窩吙,彵┅點鈈愙気地還掱叻,輕洏噫舉地扭住叻兲籟啲掱,吔昰恨恨:伱叫什仫?莪才偠叫呢!